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GTA 6 characters

GTA 6 characters

GTA 6 is set to be the largest Grand Theft Auto experience ever created, but who are the GTA 6 characters to populate this new world?

The main GTA 6 characters are Lucia and Jason, but there’s a huge host of unnamed NPCs and characters living in the state of Leonida. Only a few characters from the likely expansive characters list was spotted in the GTA 6 trailer. So, we’ve gathered everything there is to know about the confirmed Grand Theft Auto 6 characters, including the GTA 6 cast who may be voicing them.

Who are the GTA 6 main characters?

The two main characters of GTA 6 are Lucia and Jason, both of whom are playable.

Little is known about Lucia despite the numerous GTA 6 leaks, except that she is one of the main playable characters and the first female protagonist in the GTA series. Lucia has so far been seen in the GTA 6 trailer wearing hoop earrings and a distinct bracelet on her right wrist. From what we have seen in the trailer, Lucia seems to start the game in a probation hearing at the Leonida Department of Corrections, possibly following a botched robbery from a prologue mission.

Jason is Lucia’s partner in both crime and in romance, with Lucia stating in the trailer (presumably to Jason) “The only way we’re gonna get through this is by sticking together, being a team.” Jason holds far more mystery than Lucia as of the time of writing, only getting a single line in the trailer, which was itself simply “Trust” and nothing else.

It’s uncertain when Lucia and Jason meet in the GTA 6 story, though we’ve developed a few theories using the official GTA 6 concept art and trailer as reference.

Will GTA 6 have multiple main characters?

Previous Grand Theft Auto games have sported multiple playable characters, so it seems very likely that both Lucia and Jason will be playable, with the player themselves having the freedom to switch between characters at various points in the story.

Whether additional characters beyond the Bonnie and Clyde dynamic are playable remains to be seen, though we can be sure that the revamped GTA 6 Online gameplay mode (which, while unconfirmed to be available at launch, is all but inevitable) will allow you to create your very own character.

Will Michael, Trevor, or any other GTA 5 characters be returning to GTA 6?

The canon ending of GTA 5 saw all three main protagonists survive, meaning that Michael, Trevor, and Franklin could all make a cameo appearance in GTA 6. Michael in particular, an experienced bank robber, is speculated to make an appearance in GTA 6 following a tweet dropped by the character’s voice actor, Ned Luke.

In the tweet, Ned Luke responded to a fan’s question about Michael’s possible reappearance in GTA 6, to which the voice actor replied “It’s a mystery” followed by five stars.

While Ned’s tweet doesn’t serve as confirmation, it does give hope that the more popular GTA 5 characters will be making an appearance in some way for GTA 6. Unfortunately, a full GTA 6 cast and voice actors list has yet to be confirmed, and Rockstar has yet to announce a single listing.

GTA 6 side characters

Even since early development, GTA 6 has been subject to multiple data breaches reportedly from leaked footage. Some of this leaked footage refers to numerous alleged characters, though Rockstar Games could well have cut these characters, renamed them, or otherwise altered them ahead of the game’s official release.

However, there are a number of characters from the trailer who have real-life equivalents. The names have likely been altered in-game, but numerous characters included:

  • A nudist gardener, though GTA 6 fortunately equipped him with some underwear.
  • A lady with a hammer, although the difference in appearance between the real-life news story and the in-game character are quite stark.
  • Florida’s self-proclaimed Joker, who has since gone on to demand restitution from Rockstar Games for using his likeness in creating a “GTA 6 Joker.”
  • An alligator, both in a pool and in a shop. It’s astonishing just how many real alligator incidents there are in Florida.
  • A woman twerking on a car roof.

Although it seems unlikely that the above characters will be critical to the main story, there were a few unnamed characters who could feature more heavily:

  • The prison warden/parole officer, Stefanie, who deals with Lucia’s case at the Leonida Department of Corrections.
  • Two heavily-tattooed characters, one of whom has all their teeth plated in gold.
  • One woman in a designer bikini at the top of a skyscraper. Some fans have theorized on Reddit that this could be the main character Lucia living the high-life, though the absence of Lucia’s moles could invalidate this theory.

This handful of characters likely represents but a small fraction of the total number of GTA 6 NPCs, and Rockstar has not yet confirmed a full GTA 6 cast and voice actors list.

As more characters are confirmed, we will add them to our GTA 6 characters database, which is currently in the works alongside our GTA 6 vehicles database. For now, we will have to wait until a new GTA 6 trailer is released. So, until then, mark the GTA 6 release date in your calendar, and check to see if your PC can meet the GTA 6 system requirements.